Achievements and awards of the J&J Ostrožovič winery

Tokaj winery J&J Ostrožovič is a vineyard and winemaking family company with the longest and most successful history in Slovak Tokaj.    

Since 2007  , the wines of the J & J Ostrožovič winery have won more than 679 awards and more than 437 different medals.

Since 1990, this most popular Tokaj winery has been producing exceptionally high-quality Tokaj wines. They were the first to bring to the Slovak market solo wines made from the Tokaj varieties Furmint, Lipovina and Yellow Muscat using reductive technology. Since 1998, they have been processing grapes using the most modern technologies, including controlled fermentation.

The J&J Ostrožovič winery manages 58 hectares of its own Tokaj vineyards with a system of integrated production that is friendly to people and nature. Their wines are among the 1,000 best wines in the world and they win medals from Slovak and international exhibitions every year.  

Over 30 years of operation, the winery has achieved countless successes . Their wines collect awards from the most prestigious world competitions such as Vinalies Paris, Terravino Israel, Bacchus Madrid, Finger Lakes USA, Michelangelo South Africa and many others. They won titles such as Champion, Great Gold Medal, Category Winner, Highest Rated Wine and Best of Slovakia.     

The biggest milestone came in 2018, when they won the title of Champion in the category of naturally sweet wines at the world competition Vinalies Internationales Paris for Tokaj selection essence of the year 2000. It was the only Champion for Slovakia .     

Every year, the wines of the J&J Ostrožovič winery are ranked among the 100 best Slovak wines in the Slovak National Wine Salon . Three wine gems of this winery were even included among the 1000 best wines in the world. The work and enthusiasm for wine of the Ostrožovič family was also appreciated by the Slovak Winegrowers' and Winemakers' Union, which awarded them the title of Extraclass Winemaker.      

It is obvious that in their work at the Ostrožovič winery, they follow the motto " Wine with heart ". Their unrelenting passion, determination and love of wine have taken the winery to the absolute pinnacle of the winemaking world. Tokaj can be rightly proud of the J&J Ostrožovič brand.

Here is an overview of some of the achievements:


"SAKURA" Japan Womens Wine Awards (2024) large gold medal
"SAKURA" Japan Womens Wine Awards (2024) gold medal
Biel Vinalia (2024) gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
  • Lipovina berry selection Natural Sweet, r. 2021
Budmerice (2024) silver medal
Le Mondial Des Vins Blancs Strasbourg France (2024) silver medal
  • Furmint, berry selection, Natural Sweet, r. 2021
Le Mondial Des Vins Blancs Strasbourg France (2024) large gold medal
  • Tokaj selection essence, r. 1999
MUN DUS - Dunajská Streda (2024) - silver medal
  • Hank's selection of grapes Special Collection, r. 2022
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2022
MUN-DUS Dunajská Streda (2024) - big gold medal
  • Tokaj selection essence, r. 1999
MUN-DUS Dunajská Streda (2024) - gold medal
  • Trilogy selection of grapes Special Collection, r. 2022
Prague wine trophy (2024) Large gold medal
  • Hank's selection of grapes Special Collection, r. 2022
  • Lipovina, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2022
  • Trilogy selection of grapes Special Collection, r. 2022
Texas International Wine Competition (2024) gold medal
  • Tokaj selection essence, r. 1999
  • Trilogy selection of grapes Special Collection, r. 2022
Vinalies Paris - France (2024) - gold medal
  • Tokaj selection essence, r. 1999
Viničné (2024) - silver medal
  • Furmint selection from grapes Special Collection, r. 2022
Viničné (2024) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový , r. 2007
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
  • Hank's selection of grapes Special Collection, r. 2022
  • Trilogy selection of grapes Special Collection, r. 2022
Vitis Aurea Blue (2024) gold medal



Asia Wine Trophy (2023) large gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
Asia Wine Trophy (2023) gold medal
Bacchus Madrid (2023) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2005
  • Furmint, berry selection, Natural Sweet, r. 2021
  • Tokaj cuvée , straw, Saturnia, r. 2021
Berliner Wein Trophy (2023) - large gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2021
Berliner Wein Trophy (2023) - gold medal
  • Tokaj native sweet, r. 2013
  • Lipovina berry selection Natural Sweet, r. 2021
  • Lipovina, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
Biel Vinalia (2023) silver medal
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
Biel Vinalia (2023) gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
  • Furmint berry selection Natural Sweet, r. 2021
  • Lipovina late harvest Solaris, r. 2021
  • Lipovina selection from grapes Special Collection, r. 2021
Budmerice (2023) silver medal
  • Lipovina, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
  • Queen Elizabeth wine, berry selection, Special Collection, r. 2021
Budmerice (2023) gold medal
  • Hank's berry selection Special Collection, r. 2021
Danube Wine Challenge (2023) - big gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2021
Danube Wine Challenge (2023) - gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2005
Great American International wine competition - bronze medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2021
Great American International wine competition - silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
Great American International wine competition (2023) gold medal
  • Furmint, berry selection, Natural Sweet, r. 2021
  • Furmint, berry selection, Natural Sweet, r. 2021
Le Mondial Des Vins Blancs Strasbourg France (2023) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2005
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2021
Muvina, Prešov (2023) - large gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Prague wine trophy (2023) Large gold medal
  • Furmint, berry selection, Natural Sweet, r. 2021
  • Furmint, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
  • Lipovina, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
Prague Wine Trophy (2023) gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg Natural Sweet, r. 2021
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2021
  • Mosler, r. 2022
  • Saga, r. 2022
Prague Wine Trophy (2024) gold medal
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2022
Texas international Wine competition (2023) silver medal
  • Tokaj native sweet, r. 2013
Texas International Wine Competition (2023) large gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2021
Texas International Wine Competition (2023) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2005
  • Yellow nutmeg Natural Sweet, r. 2021
Viničné (2023) - silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2005
  • Tokajsk natural dry , r. 2008
  • Queen Elizabeth wine, berry selection, Special Collection, r. 2021
Pezinok Wine Markets (2023) - Champion
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
Wine markets Pezinok (2023) silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 4 putnové, r. 2017
Wine markets Pezinok (2023) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
  • Furmint, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
Gold Cup of Czechoslovakia (2023) large gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
Gold Cup of Czechoslovakia (2023) gold medal
  • Furmint, berry selection, Natural Sweet, r. 2021
  • Lipovina, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2021
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2021


"SAKURA" Japan Womens Wine Awards (2022) large gold medal
  • Tokaj selection essence, r. 2000
Agrovíno Nitra (2022) - silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2013
Agrovíno Nitra (2022) - Big gold medal
  • Tokaj selection essence, r. 2000
Agrovíno Nitra (2022) - gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
  • Furmint, raisin selection , Saturnia, r. 2018
Bacchus Wine International Competition Spain (2022) silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2004
Bacchus Wine International Competition Spain (2022) gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Biel Vinalia (2022) silver medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, cibeb selection , Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
  • Devín, PDO, Solaris, r. 2021
Biel Vinalia (2022) gold medal
  • Furmint cabinet, Solaris, r. 2020
Budmerice (2022) silver medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, cibeb selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
Budmerice (2022) gold medal
  • Lipovina, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Danube Wine Challenge (2022) - gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Galicja Vitis Poland (2022) champion
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Great American International wine competition (2022) bronze medal
  • Wine of Queen Elizabeth, selection from grapes, Special Collection, r. 2020
International wine competition San Francisco (2022) silver medal
  • Hank's berry selection, r. 2021
International wine competition San Francisco (2022) gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2021
Le Mondial Des Vins Blancs Strasbourg France (2022) large gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Muvina (2022) champion
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Muvina (2022) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
National Wine Salon of the Slovak Republic (2022)
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2020
Oenoforum (2022) - gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Portugal Wine Trophy (2022) large gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2004
Portugal Wine Trophy (2022) gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2020
Prague wine trophy (2022) CHAMPION
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2020
Prague Wine Trophy (2022) gold medal
  • Lipovina, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Terravino Israel (2022) gold medal
  • Lipovina Natural Sweet, r. 2021
  • Yellow nutmeg Natural Sweet, r. 2021
Topoľčianka Festival (2022) - silver medal
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2020
Vinalies Paris - France (2022) - silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2004
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Wine markets Pezinok (2022) gold medal
  • Tokaj natural dry, r. 2008
Bojnice wine (2022) silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 4 putnové, r. 2003
Víno Bojnice (2022) Big gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2004
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Wine Bojnice (2022) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
  • Furmint, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Lipovina, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
Vitis Aurea Blue (2022) Category champion, gold medal
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2020
Vitis Aurea Blue (2022) Champion, large gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Vitis Aurea Blue (2022) gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Gold Cup of Czechoslovakia (2022) gold medal
  • Furmint, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018


AWC Vienna (2021) silver medal
  • Lipovina, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
  • Furmint, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
  • Wine of Queen Elizabeth, selection from grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
AWC Vienna (2021) gold medal
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Bacchus Wine International Competition Spain (2021) gold medal
  • Tokaj selection essence, r. 2000
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
Berliner Wein Trophy (2021) - gold medal
  • Tokaj natural dry, r. 2008
  • Tokaj native sweet, r. 2009
Catad'Or Santiago de Chile (2021) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
Cuvée Ostrava (2021) silver medal
  • Wine of Queen Elizabeth, selection from grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Cuvée Ostrava (2021) gold medal
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Danube Wine Challenge (2021) - gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2018
Galicja Vitis Poland (2021) gold medal
  • Tokaj native sweet, r. 2009
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2020
Great American International wine competition (2021) gold medal
  • Furmint, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
MICHELANGELO International Wine Awards South Africa (2021) silver medal
  • Wine of Queen Elizabeth, selection from grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
National Wine Salon of the Slovak Republic (2021) CHAMPION
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
Oenoforum (2021) - silver medal
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Portugal Wine Trophy (2021) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
  • Tokaj natural dry, r. 2008
  • Tokaj native sweet, r. 2009
Prague wine trophy (2021) CHAMPION
  • Furmint, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
  • Yellow muscat, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Prague Wine Trophy (2021) gold medal
  • Wine of Queen Elizabeth, selection from grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
Prague wine trophy (2021) premium gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Vinalies Internationales Paris France (2021) silver medal
Vinalies Internationales Paris France (2021) gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Vinalies Paris - France (2021) - silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2003
Vinalies Paris - France (2021) - gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2016
  • Yellow nutmeg, apple selection, 30-tka, r. 2018
VINARIUM International Wine Contest Romania (2021) silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
VINARIUM International Wine Contest Romania (2021) gold medal
  • Furmint, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2019
Gold Cup of Czechoslovakia (2021) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2007
  • Tokaj native sweet, r. 2009


Bacchus Wine International Competition Spain (2020) gold medal
  • Furmint, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Biel Vinalia (2020) silver medal
  • Lipovina, late harvest, Solaris, r. 2018
  • Devín, PDO, Solaris, r. 2019
Biel Vinalia (2020) gold medal
  • Yellow nutmeg, straw, Saturnia, r. 2015
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Budmerice (2020) silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 5 putňový, r. 2003
  • Furmint, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
Budmerice (2020) gold medal
  • Devín, PDO, Solaris, r. 2019
Catad´Or Santiago de Chile (2020) big gold medal
  • Tokaj selection essence, r. 2000
Catad'Or Santiago de Chile (2020) gold medal
  • Furmint, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
Concours mondial de Bruxelles in China (2020) silver medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Finger Lakes USA (2020) silver medal
  • Furmint, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
  • Yellow nutmeg, apple selection, 30-tka, r. 2018
Galicija Vitis Poland (2020) - gold medal
  • Furmint, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Galicja Vitis Poland (2020) big gold medal, CHAMPION
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003
Grand Prix Vinex Valtice (2020) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2004
MICHELANGELO International Wine Awards South Africa (2020) special award, best wine from Slovakia
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Muvina (2020) CHAMPION
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Muvina (2020) gold medal
  • Lipovina, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
Prague wine trophy (2020) CHAMPION
  • Yellow nutmeg, apple selection, 30-tka, r. 2018
Prague wine trophy (2020) large gold medal
  • Furmint, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Lipovina, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Texas International Wine Competition (2020) large gold medal
Texas International Wine Competition (2020) gold medal
Vinalies Paris - France (2020) - gold medal
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
Viničné (2020) silver medal
  • Tokajský výber 4 putnové, r. 2003
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
  • Wine of Queen Elizabeth, selection from grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
Viničné (2020) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 3 putnové, r. 2004
  • Tokaj cuvée, straw, Saturnia, r. 2016
Vitis Aurea Blue (2020) - silver medal
  • Furmint, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
Vitis Aurea Blue (2020) gold medal
Vitis Aurea Blue (2020) gold medal
  • TOKajský výber 3 putňový, r. 2004
Wine Snow Donovaly (2020) gold medal
  • Hankove, selection of grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
  • Tokaj cuvée, iced, Mystéria, r. 2018
  • Wine of Queen Elizabeth, selection from grapes, Special Collection, r. 2018
Gold Cup of Czechoslovakia (2020) large gold medal
  • Furmint, raisin selection, Saturnia, r. 2018
Czechoslovakia Gold Cup (2020) gold medal
  • Tokajský výber 6 putňový, r. 2003